Shrubs have many uses in a landscape. Often used as screens and barriers and also as backdrops for larger planting beds in the landscape. Shrubs when cared for properly can bring you years and years of longevity and beauty in the landscape.
What classifies a plant as a shrub? Shrubs are "woody" plants. What this means is that they produce yearly growth on last season's previous growth. This is different from perennials that produce new growth directly from their crowns or root systems. Since this is true, shrubs are extremely diverse in their size. From 1 ft up to 20 ft.
“Shrubs are “woody” plants. What this means is that they produce yearly growth on last season’s previous growth.”
One of the more major drawbacks to the slightly more permanent landscape choices of trees and shrubs is that many of them do not bloom continually. While they may not bloom the full growing season many of them do have other year-round attributes that can help lend interest to the landscape such as fall foliage and colorful bark that stands up in the winter.
Again, while most shrubs do not flower continually there are many shrubs who begin their show far earlier than most other plants. Shrubs such as Forsythia and Pussy Willow have the very unique habit of flowering before they leaf out.
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Fuzzy Catkins of the Pussy Willow appear before its leaves emerge in early spring.