


Nothing can add to the landscape quite like the right tree.  In addition to their looks or aesthetics, trees have many uses in the landscape.  They provide a home for birds and wildlife of course, but they also meet other important needs of a home owner.  When planted appropriately, trees can help to block the hot sun in the summer months, which can actually lower your cooling costs.  If choosing a deciduous tree (Example: Maple, Ash, one that loses their leaves) the open canopy in the winter will allow the sun to pass through and can be used to help keep your home warm. 

Plants in our database are organized alphabetically by Genus (First word of their Latin name)  Their common names can be found next to the Latin name. 



Shade Trees

Trees in that belong in this category are classified here because they meet the growth specifics of a mature height of more than 30 ft tall.

You can visit our page for each type of tree by clicking on each name.



Ornamental Trees

This group of trees includes trees that have a mature height of at least 15 ft but not more than 30 ft tall.  Fruit bearing trees are also included in this group of trees. 

Some ornamental trees on the right might produce a fruit, but the fruit is not always eaten by people.

You can visit our page for each of the trees listed by clicking on their name in the list.

The City of Williston Forestry Department has published a list of “Approved" Trees” for City plantings. They also offer a program called Williston RE-LEAF. This program works with property owners to plant trees in City boulevards where approved.
Their RE-LEAF brochure with their approved list can be downloaded HERE.