arizona apricot
Height: 12"
Spread: 12"
Zone: 2-10
Blooms have apricot centers surrounded by a brilliant golden-yellow on uniform, compact plants. Flowers without cold treatment.
arizona red shades
Height: 12"
Spread: 12"
Zone: 2-10
Deep crimson blooms on short, compact plants. Flowers continuously. Flowers without cold treatment. Attracts butterflies.
arizona sun
Height: 12"
Spread: 12"
Zone: 2-10
Fleuroselect and AAS Awards. 4" mahogany-red blooms with yellow tips. Flowers continuously. Attracts butterflies.
Height: 9-12"
Spread: 12"
Zone: 3-9
4" flowers with dark maroon and gold centers surrounded by rich red petals tipped in yellow.