Achillea / Yarrow
Achillea / Yarrow

'Moonshine' is an upright, clump-forming, compact hybrid yarrow which is noted for its deeply-dissected, fern-like, aromatic, silvery to gray-green foliage and its tiny, long-lasting, bright lemon-yellow flowers which appear throughout the summer on stems typically rising 1-2' tall.
Bright apple-red and paprika colored flowers with sulfur yellow centers are among the most beautiful of all yarrow. From early to late summer, tall flower stems are topped with flat heads of these brightly colored blossoms.

How To Help Me Grow Well:
Best grown in lean, dry to medium moisture, well-drained sandy loam in full sun. Does well in average garden soils and tolerates poor soils as long as drainage is good. Avoid heavy clay and moist, rich, fertile soils. Plants are best sited in locations protected from strong winds. Deadhead spent flower heads to lateral buds to promote additional bloom. Cut plants back to basal leaves after flowering to tidy the planting and to encourage new foliage growth and a possible additional fall bloom. Divide clumps as needed (every 3-4 years) to reinvigorate plantings. **Info from Missouri Botanical Gardens**